The Sun

Feeling uncomfortable when leaving phone at home shouldn't be normal.

Recently, I left my phone home while leaving for a Sunday trip with family. I left it because it had really low power left and I had no power bank. At start I did feel uncomfortable as I couldn't feel my phone in my pocket. But as time passed, I realized how our phone has become a real integral part of our bodies. It was a strange feeling.

I reached home by evening and I was sure that I must have missed some really important work stuff as I wasn't beside my phone for a day. Surprisingly, there was nothing important [*]. Now I keep on searching for occasions where I can be away from my phone. I know I can't get rid of it, but atleast I can try to stop making it a part of my body. We all can do it.

[*] Well, yes I definitely missed a lot of whatsapp chats. But is that really important? How much of these chats are really worth giving my time? These questions easily helped me realize that truly, there was nothing I missed when I was at peace, away from my mobile device.

#addiction #phone