The Sun

Our attitude can completely change the way we live our life.

What is attitude?

Attitude can be thought of as the mental filter through which we experience our life. It can be a postitive filter (optimistic) or a negative filter (pessimistic). An optimistic person has an "I CAN" attitude while a pessimistic person has "I CAN'T" attitude.

The way we think about our present situation greatly influences the action which we are going to take.

Our attitude can bring changes in mainly 3 aspects of our life:

1. The way we think.

"Whether you think you can--or think you can't--you're right!"

-- Henry Ford

We become what we think about. So why not think positive?

2. The way we speak.

"In words are seen the state of mind, character and disposition of the speaker."

-- Plutarch

Why does the way we speak matter? Well, think about the process this way:

Thoughts > Words > Beliefs > Actions > Results

Here, we can see that the words we use on a daily bases really adds up to the actions that we are going to take.

Kent Cullers, a scientist working for NASA was blind. He used to describe his problem as "a trivial affliction" or "just barely an inconvenience". If a great scientist considers blindness as just a trivial afflication, we should really think how we manage our day to day problems.

3. The way we act.

"Nothing happens by itself. It all will come your way once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions."

-- Ben Stein

To "ACT" means the kind of people we choose to associate, the way we respond to our fears and the way we treat failure. We should try to associate with possitive people, confront our fears and stay commited so that no amount of failure can affect us.

So, let's commit today to take a positive approach towards our life by changing our attitude!

Inspired by the book "Attitude is everything" by Jeff Kellers.
