The Sun

Quantification: My only goal for 2023

If there is one thing which I would like to focus on this year, it will be quantification.

Whatever I do, I want to keep a track of it. The number of productive hours I had each day, how much workout I did throughout the week, how many pages of book I read etc. These numeric readings will help me quantify my progress each day/week/month.

One of my fears of life is not being able to recall major patches of year just because I was mentally absent at that time. I have found that whenever I track things, I stay up-to-date with it and try to improve it. Also, this helps me stay in the present and live life fully.

“If you can't measure it you can't improve it.”

In short, I would like to live this year by examining my each day, without much judgement about it. Just track things.

"The life which is not examined is not worth living"

-- Plato

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year.